Application Development

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Industry Trends & Challenges

With the increasing prevalence of digital services replacing traditional personal and business needs and influencing our habits, there is a continuous rise in data consumption and the utilization of Cloud services. As businesses grow, they face a new challenge: Scaling.

For software, scaling entails adopting new practices and advanced architectures. Embracing the Cloud-Native movement with its functions and advantages, software practices and trends are now focused on creating or migrating applications to decoupled architectures. This involves considering various options:


  1. Microservices: These are independently deployable applications with their isolated data persistent layers, ensuring they are not shared with other services.

  2. Polyglot architecture: This approach allows businesses to avoid being tied to a single homogenous stack with only one programming language or data persistence option. Instead, they can use different language stacks for different purposes, taking advantage of various Database and Datastore options.

  3. Containers: By defining all application dependencies, businesses can ensure portability from the developer workstation to production, making the deployment process smoother and more reliable.

  4. Serverless: This strategy involves breaking down the application into functions and deploying these functions to Cloud-managed clusters. This approach abstracts away the need for managing underlying servers and middleware, providing greater flexibility and options to trigger services as needed.

Kubernetes Enablement

by opening a new way of managing your workloads and replacing several functions on your existing middleware, load balancers and firewalls.

Microservices Enablement

with service/ library decomposition, Polyglot Architecture, RESTful Maturity, Stateless Authentication/ Authorisation, Caching/ In-memory, Stream/ Queue Processing, Service Registry/ Discovery, Orchestration/ Choreography, Auditing / Logging


is not only containers but also benefiting from Cloud services including PaaS, Serverless, Managed Databases, Key-value Stores, Message Queues, Managed Kubernetes, Big Data services, Push-based triggers, Object Storage and many more...


Cost Saving: Transition to Kubernetes means decreasing in the number of servers/VMs by increasing the per-OS resource utilization. Besides, the transition paths include functions like scaling without horizontal scaling(Event Sourcing), Serverless, auto-scaling(Even scaling to 0!) which are related with overall cost decrease.


Performance: Decoupling the architecture, adding caching layers, eventual consistency and auto-scaling increases the performance. Replacing the Monolith architectures with lightweight and lean architectures means higher performer applications and services.


Cloud-Native: Kubernetes-driven infrastructure, along with Cloud functions, brings self-healing and automation to your development and deployment


Scaling: Scaling  on Y-axis and Z-axis dimensions, rather than scaling on just the X-axis dimensions.

Trifinix - Cloud Computing and DevOps

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